Booking a Private Class
Please click the BOOK NOW button below to schedule a private class.
Two day private class $2500.00 per person, plus travel expenses. Class is 9:00 am to 5:00 pm day one, 9:00 am to 3 pm day two. Class is limited to two people in your salon. This allows for focused attention, help with the techniques, and time for questions.
In this class you will learn bonding and beading techniques. There will be demonstrations and hands on experience for all the techniques I use. You will receive a class manual with instructions for each technique along with forms to use for your clients, marketing information and my priceless Trusted Vendor List to give you a great start. The Trusted Vendor List is an amazing tool. It was compiled over years of work and It will save you from making expensive
mistakes. After this class, you will be prepared to offer non surgical hair restoration to your clients and people in your area who need these services. Set yourself apart from the crowd by offering these much needed, specialized services.